
Monstrous Heroes - 5e Monster Classes

Created by Esper

Savage characters that go beyond mere humanoids—play as minotaurs, vampires, ogres, dragons, elementals, and more! **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Livestream Raffle Tomorrow - 2 pm Central Time
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 04:59:05 PM

Hello everyone! The pledges have finally been processed, it's full steam ahead now! I will be holding the raffle selections tomorrow via livestream:

12 pm Pacific (LA) / 2 pm Central (Chicago) / 3 pm Eastern (NYC) / 8 pm London  / 5 am Sydney

Prize winners will be contacted by email and kickstarter direct message. Good luck!


Dragon Class Now in the Preview PDF
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 09:34:43 AM

The dragon has been unleashed! Grab the newest version of the preview pdf to check out how this most mighty and legendary monster is shaping up.

There will be revisions and playtesting ongoing for some time, but this a strong first installment. Feel free to comment or message me with any feedback.


Upcoming Raffle Drawing / Dragon Class / Preorder Store
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 09:24:29 AM

Hello all!

This is a quick update to let you know that I'm still waiting on Kickstarter to finish processing the pledges, which should come through any day now. When that happens, I will do the livestream with the raffle drawing. Everyone who gets selected will receive an email and a message here on Kickstarter to inform of the prize.

And what's that I hear? The sound of wingbeats ... the fearsome roaring from the sky ...

That's right, the dragon class. I am excited to say the first 12 levels of dragon are going to be added to the preview pdf, which should be out soon. I love all the monster classes, each in its own way, but there is something about the dragon, something deep and uniquely powerful. As a class in Monstrous Heroes, it will blend classic dragon features with innovative character-style options.

Also, the preorder store for Monstrous Heroes is live now. You can see the button here on my kickstarter page. This is for anyone who missed the kickstarter campaign and wants to get Monstrous Heroes or the add-ons.

I will see you in another update very soon. Thank you all for a great campaign! Every step of this process brings with it energy and inspiration, which I think is just awesome!


End of Campaign Livestream + Third Raffle Stretch Goal Unlocked
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 11:57:26 AM

What a thrilling ending to this kickstarter campaign! I will be going live on youtube here in about 30 minutes to interact with you all and give my thanks:

Also, we have hit the third raffle stretch goal, which is for a 1 year subscription to my Patreon (lorekeeper tier). I look forward to doing the drawings!

Talk to you all soon,


GWAHAHAHAAA! Troll Stretch Goal Unlocked
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 08:03:44 AM

There is no stopping this troll. He's savaging. He's ravaging. He's a mutant-freak-slayer hopped out from slimy bogs and underbridge dens. Smashing down every barricade and breaking through dungeon walls.

This beast of a book is growing, getting bigger muscles and longer fangs. We are nearing the final 24 hours of the kickstarter. Dare we set our sights on the monstrous cities looming on the horizon at $50k?? Some would say this impossible, but my brave companions, I have seen many wondrous things in my travels, and I tell you, it is possible! With a dedicated adventuring party and a dose of magic, we can reach the next stretch goal and enhance this legendary book even more.

If you are so bold, share the Monstrous Heroes kickstarter campaign with whoever you can. Tell them that the TIME IS NOW to join the party, for we embark on our grand adventure, and the ship sails just tomorrow!

This is such an exciting moment everyone. I will be around to respond to comments and messages as much as possible. Better get those toasting goblets ready ;)
