
Monstrous Heroes - 5e Monster Classes

Created by Esper

Savage characters that go beyond mere humanoids—play as minotaurs, vampires, ogres, dragons, elementals, and more! **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Second Raffle Stretch Goal Unlocked + Final 48 Hours!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 12:00:31 PM

The wheel of fate again turns round and round. We’ve hit our second raffle stretch goal, adding another prize to the drawing: a copy of Monstrous Heroes (hardcover + pdf; shipping included).

The raffle drawings will be held within a week of the end of the kickstarter and will be livestreamed on my YouTube (I'll make an announcement in advance). Prizes will be sent once Monstrous Heroes is complete and shipping (estimated November 2023).

We are now entering the last 2 days of the kickstarter, and that sense of excitement and anticipation I felt at the beginning is coming back to me, like a tidal wave hitting the shore once again. The question everyone keeps asking is if we’ll hit $40k and unlock the troll class, and you can bet that I am rooting for that and more.

If you are feeling the monstrous vibes, be sure and share the campaign with whoever you can. Let them know that it is ALL SYSTEMS GO time, and the more stretch goals we can crush, the bigger and better this book becomes!

I will be accompanying the kickstarter as often as I can these final couple days, and I look forward to seeing the thrilling conclusion play out.


Stretch Goal Unlocked: Hardcover
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:37:55 AM

There are many softcover books on my bookshelves that I love, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling of a hardcover in your hands. It really takes things to the next level, both in terms of tactile experience and quality.

This stretch goal was one I had been especially looking forward to from the beginning. Producing an RPG book is a big, complicated, and expensive process, but with enough funding, it’s worth it. And now, thanks to you all, Monstrous Heroes is really moving along—this beast is growing bigger muscles and thicker hide.

We still have a little over 5 days left in this kickstarter campaign, plenty of time to smash through more stretch goals. Up next: Another copy of Monstrous Heroes will be added to the raffle drawing when we hit $35k, then the troll will get added to the book when we hit $40k.

I still have some big promoting to do during the last few days, which should give us another boost. And you are so inclined, spread the word about this kickstarter. Your support makes a difference, and I’m sending you a great clap of thanks, my brave companions.

I’ll see you in the next update before long!


A Couple Free RPG Maps from Me As a Thank You!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 08:39:24 AM

Monstrous Heroes is roaring right along, so I wanted to give you all a couple RPG maps as a small way for me to say thank you! Whatever level you've backed at, please enjoy these. There is the Cove of the Sea Goddess and the Halls of the Chuul Cult ...

click here to download the maps

“Rocky escarpments enclose this small cove. Steps are set into the stony uprises, leading to high platforms where a statue of the Ocean Mother stretches her arms wide.”

“These dungeon halls look to have been built recently. They adjoin to a natural cave flooded with water. Just as you wonder what lurks under the surface, you hear footsteps coming down the great stairway.”

I’m really looking forward to the developments to come in this project. Once again, you have my true appreciation for everything!

May your adventures be many,


First Raffle Stretch Goal Unlocked + Monstrous Heroes Livestream Adventure
over 1 year ago – Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 08:59:52 AM

The wheel of fate is spinning, who will it select? We’ve hit our first raffle stretch goal, adding another prize to the drawing: an illustration of your Monstrous Heroes character. The winner will provide the details for the character and receive a hi-res digital (jpg) illustration.

The drawings will be held within a week of the end of the kickstarter and will be livestreamed on YouTube (Esper the Bard). Prizes will be sent once Monstrous Heroes is complete and shipping (estimated November 2023).

I am SO ready to hit that 30k stretch goal, so let’s keep these monstrous heroes charging along and breaking through!

In other news, yesterday was the first session of the livestream Monstrous Heroes adventure Escape from Scornhold. Check it out to see things in action, it was a blast! I GM’d for a cast of other youtubers with RPG channels, including AJ Pickett, Fred Wheeler (How to RPG), WallyDM, and Tabletop Bob. They played characters using the options in the current (v.4.5) preview document, which you can download for free here.

I’m very much looking forward to what’s to come, thanks as always everyone!


This Saturday 👹 Monstrous Heroes Livestream Adventure!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 07:27:46 AM

Make sure to watch live or catch it later, an action-packed adventure featuring a group of youtubers playing Monstrous Heroes.

Esper: GM / AJ: Ogre / Fred: Ogre / Wally: Arachnir / Michelle: Minotaur / Bob: Vampire

We plan to go live at 3 pm Central / 4 pm Eastern, and are ready to have a blast! We’ve already gotten the characters ready and did a warm-up session, which was already a lot of fun. Let’s see if this motley group can survive the bowels of SCORNHOLD.